In Core v1.18 we got a wrangle 🤠 on some outstanding improvements for the Slider component. We’ve added an option to show three centered items in the carousel and improved how the different options look on mobile.
We’ve also added an option for turning the “alert banner” (sometimes referred to as the “Covid Banner”) on your website’s homepage. You can now turn the yellow banner found in the header of on or off from the Site Information block. If your site already has the announcement banner enabled, we’ll be switching the functionality from the old method for enabling to the simpler, user-controllable option.
New Features:
- There is now an option to turn on the university alert banner on your website. This option can be found in the Header Options section of your website’s Site Information block. There is an option to use the university-wide announcement (recommended) or a custom announcement.
- Slider module carousels can now have the “peeking” option disabled. When disabled, the carousel will show up to three items without showing a small preview of the fourth.
- Small design adjustments to the Slider modules including alignment of the descriptions and placement of the controls on mobile
- The WYSIWYG editors in the Searchable Interface now match the configuration of all the other WYSIWYG editors in the template
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the label for the option to turn off the auto-generated h1 on the page
- Fixed an issue with the old, built-in events module where the h1 was missing on the event page and the links were not underlined
- Fixed an accessibility error in the old, built-in events module calendar
- Fixed an issue with certain Slider carousels that were getting cut off when the description was on the right side