
Add your department to FIU calendar

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What is FIU calendar?

FIU Calendar is where all university events are entered, displayed and distributed for the university community and beyond. Any university unit can be added to the calendar to highlight and organize upcoming events.

Why might you want a calendar?

The FIU Calendar can provide your department a centralized place to link to when promoting an event or creating a feed of events for your department website.

Feed of events from the FIU Calendar

The event feed will show upcoming events assigned to your department. Events will link to an event page on FIU Calendar where additional details will be available. Those details can include but aren't limited to:

  • Location
  • Registration details
  • Event summary

Is your department in FIU calendar?

You can do browse the department admins list on FIU Calendar to see if your department is listed before contacting DigiComm.

If your department is not in the calendar, reach out to DigiComm, and we will create the department for you. If your department is listed, but you need to be added as an event admin, you can also email the DigiComm team.

Here's what we'll need to create your department calendar:

  • Department name: Department calendar URLs are created based on the name entered. So, it's important to get it right the first time!
  • List of event admins: Event admins can create their own events, but more importantly, they approve events created by non-admins for this calendar.
  • Photo or Logo: If a photo or logo are not provided, it will default to the FIU logo.
  • Website URL: There is an opportunity to link back to your department's website from the calendar
  • Description: The description should be short, no more than 200 characters.

Here is an example of a department calendar page:

Example of an FIU Calendar department page


DigiComm administrates the calendar, but we do not build its functionality. This is a product created and maintained by Concept3D and sold as the Localist Online Events Calendar.