Release Notes

Core v1.23 - New Padded Box Module

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Check out our newest twist on the One Column module: the Padded Box.

Screenshot of padded box Cascade module

The DigiComm team first used this design on the FIU Sunblazer site and we've now made it available in the template.

This release also includes a few more improvements like new colors for the Callouts module, Velocity upgrades and bug fixes.

One notable fix corrected an issue where certain characters used in the page banner heading field caused the page to break. Please note that this fix may result in some unexpected characters appearing in the banners of a few pages.

If you encounter this issue, please reach out to the DigiComm team so we can fix that for you!

New Feature

  • The One Column module now has an alternative look called the Padded Box. You can use this feature by selecting the "Wrap content in padded box?" checkbox. This new variation retains the ability to add a related box.


  • The Callout module now has green, blue and orange options to complement the existing red and gold options.
  • Added a description field to the News module.
  • The subnav and year filter can now be hidden from Blog listing pages.
  • Site Scripts and Styles templates have been moved to Velocity.
  • Site-specific stylesheet now has an id of "site-styles" for targeting.
  • Accordion searchable interfaces can now use index blocks as well as single block items to build the filters.

Bug Fixes

  • Adding an ampersand in the page banner no longer breaks the page. May cause strange characters to appear in some banners which must be fixed manually.
  • Website feedback link now appends the current URL to the link in order to prefill the URL field in the form.
  • Content Grid, Thumbnail Grid, Icon Link and Cards modules no longer add an aria-label to the content-block div.