Our latest Core release is building off our logo list class, formally adding it as a module in our Lists & Feeds category. We have also added a number of design options for existing modules to make them more image-friendly.
Just like our full-width media module, our banners will now have a photo focus field which will allow you to determine what area of a photo you want the page to keep in focus as pages size up or down. We are also introducing edgeless variants for carousels, slideshows and cards with images, removing empty space around images for a cleaner look.
As always, all our new features are accompanied by a round of bug-squashing. Most of the bug fixes are aimed at behind-the-scenes meta data, like canonical URLs and Open Graph data.
- Added a logo list module to the Lists & Feeds category.
- Added a photo focus field to banners. Like the current setup for our full-width media module, you will now be able to determine the focus of a banner photo.
- Added an “edgeless” design variation for carousels, slideshows and cards with images which removes the space around the image.
- Added a social share image field for blog posts where you can override the default FIU social image that appears when a page is shared on social media.
- Added an option for automatic daily re-publishing for home pages and sitemaps. This will only appear by default on new websites, so be on the lookout for a future blog post on how to create a publish set.
- Added an option to have the first item in an accordion module open by default.
- Added an option allowing tertiary navigation to be removed by certain editors.
- Improved loading time of page assets, like fonts.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a spacing issue where white content blocks after the first content area had no padding.
- Fixed an issue where canonical home page links had extra “/” characters.
- Fixed an issue where Open Graph data was using the Cascade site name instead of the Site Info name.
- Removed post time from related blog posts.