Common Issues

I deleted a web page but it's still in the navigation

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Why am I seeing a removed page in the navigation?

A simple change such as relocating or deleting a webpage affects the entire website, including the main navigation.

To see any changes you've made to the main navigation or main navigation dropdown menu, such as removing a page, requires the site to be republished. You won't see any changes you've made to the navigation or sub-navigation without republishing the entire website.

In most cases, unless absolutely necessary, we recommend republishing your entire site during non-peak hours (5 p.m. to midnight) using the Optionally Publish Later feature.

How to use Optionally Publish Later

  1. After you've clicked Publish, hover over and click Pick from Calendar

    Pick from Calendar to publish later

  2. Select a date and time from the calendar

    Date and time selection to publish later

  3. Once you've selected your desired date and time, click publish later

    Click on the Publish Later button