
Surprise! A new look for the FIU Calendar

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Updated FIU Calendar homepage

Concept3D released an updated template for the Localist Events product used on the FIU Calendar.

FIU Calendar, the central repository for university-affiliated events, got a major upgrade:

Old FIU Calendar Homepage

Old Homepage

Updated FIU Calendar Homepage

Refreshed Homepage

Concept3D, the creators of Localist Events, rather surprisingly dropped their new Emphasis template on us. With Emphasis, Concept3D promises:

  • Improved accessibility and usability
  • Modern aesthetic and customization
  • Optimization for modern web standards
  • Clear visual hierarchy

The new look is a solid refresh from the old style:

Updated FIU Calendar Event Page

Old Event Page

Updated FIU Calendar Event Page

Refreshed Event Page

Issues with the new template

We're working with Concept3D to smooth out a few issues that have popped up with the new template. There were bugs on Day One and there are likely more bugs to be found.

This template is brand new to us. Like you, we're exploring it for the first time. We're finding and fixing bugs as we go.

Your reports help us identify situations where bugs may occur, so if you see something that isn't working please report it to the DigiComm team.

Documentation updates

We're also updating some of the FIU Calendar documentation we've written to match up with the new look and processes. If you have some of our blog posts or tutorials saved, consider checking back shortly for updated instructions.

In the meantime, here are a few things to note:

  • The Login button has moved below the main navigation into the new Search bar.
  • Events should continue to be submitted, edited and approved via the FIU Calendar admin panel.
  • If you're building event feeds, here's the direct link to the Widget Builder. Be careful: the updated Widget Builder defaults to feeds of in-person events! We're looking into how to fix this.
  • The Department listing is a little harder to find now. We'll figure out how to make this more prominent.
  • Edit: Check out Concept3D's tips for optimizing Localist photos. While square images were a big part of the old template, the new template seems to be built around a 2:1 ratio. We're still working on figuring out the optimal sizes for these event and department images, but we recommend not relying solely on logos.

If you run into any issues, need an update to our documentation or would like to see something new in our documentation, please do not hesitate to reach out to the DigiComm team with your questions or requests.