Best Practices

Cascade Asset Relationships

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In Cascade, you can move files or pages from one folder to another. Those files will still be connected to the pages they were linked to without you having to manually update their links.

This link between assets is called a linked asset relationship. An asset relationship is any connection between assets, such as an image on a page, a link to a PDF file, a folder referenced in a block or a manually created relation.

Why is it important to know how assets are connected?

If you have ever moved files around in Cascade and noticed the pages are still linking to the correct assets, this is because Cascade knows which assets are related, and it updates their paths automatically. Understanding how asset relationships work helps you avoid issues with:

  • Broken Links: If a linked file or page is deleted, users may encounter 404 errors. Make sure to plan redirects if needed!
  • Publishing: If you move an asset, related assets may need to be republished to reflect the change.
  • Forgetting related assets: Sometimes you may have multiple files you want to publish at once. Creating manual relationships is an easy way to find these assets later and publish them from one central place.

Checking asset’s relationships in Cascade

Dialog showing an asset's relationship in Cascade

Menu options for a page highlighting RelationshipsCascade makes it easy to see how assets are connected. To check an asset’s relationships:

  • Navigate to the asset you want to inspect.
  • In the top-right corner, click on More and select Relationships from the dropdown menu.
  • A list of related assets will be displayed on a table, showing where the asset is used and what depends on it.
  • Review the list before making changes. If an asset is widely used, plan updates accordingly.
  • You can also click on the Choose Publishable Site Content button to manually add related assets if needed.
  • After making changes, you should also use this menu to publish any affected pages or assets to your live website.

By taking a few extra moments to check relationships before moving or deleting assets, you can save your users a lot of time and frustration.

Note: Restructuring your website too often is not recommended. If major changes are made, we recommend re-publishing your site after hours to make sure all links have been updated properly. Keeping your site’s structure intact ensures a better experience for users and helps your site SEO overall.